BTWN is dedicated to showcasing the vibrant tapestry of diverse voices and experiences.
We are actively seeking submissions that are unapologetically weird and push the boundaries of traditional genres. If your work has the power to make us stop in our tracks and exclaim, “wtf?”—but in a positive and thought-provoking way—then we want to hear from you. We embrace the darker side of human existence, welcoming narratives that delve into horrific and lived experiences without shying away from themes of violence, profanities, or other challenging subjects, as long as they promote understanding rather than hatred. We encourage you to cast aside any niceties and pull your raw, authentic artwork out from the cracks of societal norms. At BTWN, we are eager to discover the bold and unconventional creations that typical literary magazines often overlook.
Embrace the darkness, the rawness, and the realness being human, and submit your boldest creations that push boundaries and ignite thought.
2025 publication dates
Submissions #1 Open: February 1st, 2025
Submission Cut-off #1: April 1st, 2025
​Online Publication: June 17th, 2025
Submissions #2 Open: June 30th, 2025
Submission Cut-off #2: Aug 20th, 2025​
Online Publication: October 31st, 2025
Print publication: November/December 2025
​Guidelines by section
One original work of up to 7000 words.
Non-Fiction & Memoir
One original work of up to 7000 words, including personal essays, memoir, and other forms of creative non-fiction.
Book Reviews, Essays, and Interviews
One original work of up to 7000 words, including essays, interviews, reviews.
Up to four original poems totalling no more than ten pages.
Submissions may take any poetic form and include a mix of prose, art, or unique formatting as long as these elements are used purposefully. We also welcome other forms of poetic expression.
A hybrid work that merges various genres and storytelling methods, potentially not fitting into a single category, of up to 7000 words.
Comics/graphic stories up to 10 pages.
Scripts for stage or screen up to 20 pages.
Original periodicals up to 14,000 words or 20 pages (for poetry) are welcome. We accept longer works across genres over two issues. Indicate your interest in your cover letter. Submit a 7,000-word excerpt or ten pages. If interested, we'll request the full piece.
Single art submissions of up to 3 pieces.
Submission of a collection of work up to 10 pieces.
Cover art submission of up to 3 pieces.​​
Where to submit
Fiction: Link to submission form.
​Non-fiction: Link to submission form.
Book Reviews, Essays, and Interviews: Link to submission form.
​Poetry: Link to submission form.​
Miscellaneous: Link to submission form.